
50g/L  Mepiquart  Chloride

A group of plant growth regulators


Plant name Purpose of use Consumption rate
Cotton Increase yield and accelerate pod formation by chemically limiting plant growth 1.5 l/ha 250-500 ml/ha is applied 3-4 times with an interval of 10-15 days during the periods of cotton combing, flowering and fruiting (13-14 heads appear).


Uses in cotton: Cot-Pax inhibits the growth of vegetative organs in cotton and regulates growth.

Advantages of Cot-Pax: The cotton leaves are dark green, the plant develops compactly due to the reduction of joint spacing, and the row spacing is closed much later. As a result, sunlight hits the plant better, and the risk of rotting in the lower parts of the plant is reduced due to better air circulation. It reduces shedding and helps early ripening of pods.

What to pay attention to when using Cot-Pax: To increase the effectiveness of Cot-Pax:
– It is necessary to fully meet the needs of the plant for fertilizer;
– The correct irrigation scheme should be used;
– Control of weeds and pests in cotton fields should be carried out in time.

Timing of Cot-Pax Application: The optimal timing of Cot-Pax application on cotton is 2 weeks after flowering. The above-mentioned period can be 3-5 days earlier or later depending on the irrigation possibilities.

Cot-Pax Application Rate: Cot-Pax is usually applied once at a rate of 1 L/ha. If cotton in a field where Cot-Pax was applied continues to grow vigorously due to excessive fertilization and irrigation, 3-4 weeks after the first treatment, 0.5 L/ A second treatment is recommended.

Split Application: Instead of using a higher rate of Cot-Pax, apply this rate in 3 or 4 splits of 1.5 liters of Cot-Pax per hectare starting from the cotton boll period. llasa is also possible. Split application of Cot-Pax allows it to be used in difficult to irrigate, irregularly irrigated and short cotton fields.

Cot-Pax standards for split application:
1st treatment: 250 ml/ha (at the start of sanding)
2nd Application: 250-500ml/ha (before 1st irrigation or after irrigation if development is slow)
3rd treatment: 250-500 ml/ha (7-14 days after the 2nd treatment or before the 2nd watering)
Application 4: 500 ml/ha (if cotton is still growing)
Cot-Pax is sprayed with at least 300 liters of water per hectare through a spraying machine or
Cot-Pax can also be used in combination with other pest control chemicals.


It is not recommended to use in combination with alkaline chemicals.