SugarMover Zn

  • 4.0 % w/w........................ water-soluble boron (B), from boron ethanolamine
  • 0.15 % w/w..................... Water-soluble copper (Cu), from sulphate
  • 0.015 % w/w................... Water-soluble molybdenum (Mo), from sodium
  • 4.5 % w/w................... Water-soluble zinc (Zn), from citrate
    • Nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P2O5) above 0.5%:
  • 4.0 % w/w................... Nitrogen (N)


SugarMover Zn is a liquid fertilizer that privides boron, copper, molybdenum and zinc, the main nutrients required in the grain and bulb filling process. The Boron present in SugarMover Zn is an important element that improves the transport of sugar from the leaves (sources) to the grains and bulbs (sinks). Copper, molybdenum and zinc are nutrients that promote photosynthesis and protein synthesis that improving quality, size and uniformity characteristics. Thanks to Stoller technology, we provide sufficient nutrition that naturally intervenes the physiological processes of plants.

Crops Optimal dose Applicable water consumption Consumption rate Period of application Duty cycle

Wheat, barley, rye, triticale, oats, sorghum, corn, sunflower

0.65 % 300-500 2-3 From seed filling up to maturity 1-2 applications every

15-30 days

Fruiting vegetables


0.40 % 700-1000 3

(irrigation application 5-10)

Color change principle. 30 and 15 days before collection 1-2 applications every

7-15 days

Industrial crops,


0.70 % 700-1000 5 BBCH 52-61-83 (first appearance of flower buds, beginning of flowering, 30% cotton bolls open) 1-3 applications every

15-30 days

Oilseed crops and pulses

Soybean, rapeseed, pea, bean

0.30 % 700-1000 2-3 From the appearance of the pods to maturity (BBCH 71-89) 1-2 applications every

15-30 days

Grasses, lucerne 0.65 % 300-500 2-3 10 days before cutting 1 application
Tubers 0.30 % 700-1000 2-3 From tuber filling up to maturity (BBCH 71-89) 1-2 applications every

15-20 days

Bulbs 0.30 % 700-1000 2-3 From bulb filling up to maturity (BBCH 71-89) 1-2 applications every

15-20 days

Root vegetables 0.30 % 700-1000 2-3 From root filling up to maturity (BBCH 71-89) 1-2 applications every

15-20 days


Stone fruit, pome fruit


0.50 % 1000-1500 5 30 and 15 days before collection 1-2 applications every

7-15 days

Tropical, avocado, persimmon 0.25 % 2000-2500 5 30 and 15 days before collection 1-2 applications every

7-15 days

Citrus 0.25 % 2000-2500 5 30 and 15 days before collection 1-2 applications every

7-15 days

Olive trees 0.25 % 2000-2500 5 30 and 15 days before collection 1-2 applications every

7-15 days


Table grapes

0.25 % 2000-2500 5 30 and 15 days before collection 1-2 applications every

7-15 days



1.00 % 500-700 5 30 and 15 days before collection 1-2 applications every

7-15 days

Berries 0.40 % 700-1000 3

(irrigation application 5-10)

Before the formation of the inflorescense. color change principle. 30 and 15 days before collection 1-2 applications every 7-15 days

(irrigation application

2-4 applications every 7-15 days)