Mesosulferon-methyl 3%+Lodosulfuron-methyl sodium 0,6%+Mefenpeyr-diethyl (safener)9%

Water soluble granules (WG)

Group – B2




Plant name weed name Consumption rate Application period
Wheat Annual dicotyledonous and spiky weeds 250-300 g/ha
+ 1l/ha Agropoli 8020*
Wheat field
in between, stranger
the grass is young and active
while growing up
2-6 true leaves
when released)

(*)AgroPoly 8020 – Spreadable adhesive. Must be used in conjunction with Wikilis for adequate performance.

Wikilis plant protection agent is a systemic preparation that penetrates the weed body through the leaves and partly through the roots and is delivered to all parts of the plant. The roots stop taking water and nutrients from the soil. Weeds first become discolored, deformed, and finally wither. Destruction occurs within 2-4 weeks, depending on the type of growth of weeds and climatic conditions. Treatment should be postponed in various conditions caused by cold weather and heavy rain. Repeated use of a plant protection product with the same mechanism of action can lead to the development of weed resistance to this product. The powerful effect of the herbicide on weeds is achieved due to the formation of a good cover during application. At the same time, it is desirable that the water consumption per hectare be in the range of 200-400 liters. For processing, a rod sprayer should be used. What to consider when planting a second crop:
– It is safe to plant cotton and soybeans.
– If corn is planted on dry land, the field must be plowed deep.
Things to consider when planting a re-crop:
– Lentils (lentils) cannot be sown after wheat in fields where wikilis has been applied.
Do not mix with other plant protection products.