Mesotrione 75 g/l + Nicosulfuron 37.5 g/l + Picloram 17.5 g/l

*A broad spectrum against all weeds
effective protection
*Even weeds that are difficult to kill
can control.
*Within long-term exposure to soil
will be
*To other herbicides and adhesives
it’s a burden

It is necessary to process in the 4-6 leaf period of crops and in the initial stages of weed growth (2-6 leaf of annual weeds, 10-20 cm height of perennial dicotyledonous and perennial spiky weeds).

The name of the plant The name of the weed spending rate
Corn Annual and perennial spiked and dicotyledonous weeds 1.25-2 l/ha

Mesotrione-transmits through the leaves and roots of plants, acts acropetally and basipetalally, causes leaf discoloration, and then weeds.
leads to death.
Picloram is a systemic agent, easily absorbed by roots and leaves, causing deformation of stems, leaves and secondary roots.
Nicosulfuron – has a systemic effect, quickly penetrates into weed plants and stops their growth and development.

• destroys annual dicotyledonous and spiky weeds
• prevents the growth of weeds with perennial rhizomes and rhizomes
• inhibits the emergence of annual dicotyledonous weeds.
• Controls over 50 weeds

When corn is lightly damaged by weeds (time of low weed germination) 1-1.3l/ha
When corn is moderately infested with weeds (time of average weed growth) 1.3-1.5l/ha
When corn is heavily infested with weeds (time of weed growth 1.5-2.0l/ha)