
9.0% w/w Water soluble boron (B) from ethanolamine 0.03 % w/ w      Water-soluble molybdenum (Mo) from sodium.


N-Balancer is a liquid fertilizer containing boron and molybdenum, which is important for improving plant reserves by transferring sugars from leaves to reserve organs. The Stoller technology available in the product provides sufficient nutrition for natural intervention in the physiological processes of plants.


Crop Optimal dose Total water consumption Consumption rate Growth stage Frequency
Oily plants 1 % 300-600 3-5 l/ha From seed filling to maturity
until (BBCH 71-89)
1-2 treatments every 15-30 days
Legumes 0.43 % 700-1000 3-5 l/ha From seed filling to maturity
until (BBCH 71-89)
1-2 treatments every 15-30 days
Tomato 0.72 % 700-1000 5-7 l/ha 15 days before the start of the process of color change and leaf fall 1-2 treatments every 7-15 days
Cotton 0.5 % 300-500 3-5 l/ha The beginning of flowering. The end of flowering. The beginning of adulthood 1-3 treatments every 30 days
Onion 0.72 % 700-1000 5-7 l/ha From the period when the size of the onion begins to increase 1-3 treatments every 7-15 days
Persimmon 0.25 % 2000-2500 5-7 l/ha 30 days before leaf fall 1-2 treatments every 7-15 days
Pomegranate 0.25 % 2000-2500 5-7 l/ha 30 days before leaf fall 1-2 treatments every 7-15 days
Walnut 0.25 % 2000-2500 5-7 l/ha 30 days before leaf fall 1-2 treatments every 7-15 days
Grapes 1 % 500-700 5-7 l/ha 30 days before leaf fall 1-2 treatments every 7-15 days



Carefully read the instructions on the label before using the product. Depending on the characteristics of the crop and what we want to achieve during application, the program can be carried out at different times.
The product can be mixed with other liquid fertilizers, the mixing procedure is as follows:

1-  water.

2- N-balancer

3- agrochemistry.

However, if mixing is required, it is recommended to consult your local distributor or representative in advance. Use only when there is a recognized need. Do not exceed the specified application speed. It is the responsibility of the user to increase or decrease them according to the characteristics of the crop and always follow expert technical advice. In any case, we recommend a small-scale test before using the product.