Organic matter: 30% Potassium oxide K20: 2.50 % Humic and fulvic acids: 24,096 Organic acids: 6.0% Organic nitrogen N: 2.50% Free amino acids: 2096 Fulvic acids: 9.096 pH: 5.5-6.0
In irrigation: 2-3 L/ Hectare
When applying to leaves: 200-300 ml/100 liters of water
NeuPure-22 has been shown to act as an activator of plant physiological activity and edaphic organism life through global and rapid effects on soil fertility. It contains important micro and macro elements, as well as functional La-amino acids. It interferes with adverse climatic conditions (due to water or thermal stress, transplantation period and La amino acids) and is an excellent anti-stress agent.
NeuPure-22 is beneficial at all stages of vegetative development. Growth, flowering, fruit development and ripening. It is also suitable for activating crops after wintering periods.
Use NeuPure-22
NeyPure-22 can be mixed with conventional NPK fertilizers and most phytosanitary products, except copper (CuO-cupoxide) liquids and sulfur. Do not mix with calcium, sulfur liquids, as well as with products that have a very acidic or very alkaline reaction.