Polycarboxylic Acids 22 %


NeuBio-SC -it is a very dynamic natural product that has several properties that are effective against various plant problems:

  • It seriously fights against harmful insects.
  • All this helps to overcome damage to the final yield of the plant as a result of environmental and climatic stress effects.
  • Nutrition effectively controls physiopathologies.
  • It improves productivity and quality characteristics of plants fed with this product.
  • It has an anti-stress effect.
  • Systematic raising and lowering.
  • It is quickly absorbed by the plant, in just 3-6 hours.


The name of the fruit Consumption amount
Grapes 150-200 ml/100 l of water
Citrus 150-200 ml/100 l of water
Peach 100-150 ml/100 l of water
Apple and pear 150-250 ml/100 l of water
Actinide 100-150 ml/100 l of water
Olive 150-250 ml/100 l of water
Flower plants 100-150 ml/100 l of water