6% Fe ++ %Fe-EDDHA+ 4.8% (ortho-ortho isomer) typical + 7-9% Ph (1% solution)


To correct iron deficiency in the cultivation of crops and ornamental plants on alkaline and calcareous (calcareous) soils.


Apples, apricots, peaches, pears, plums: apply 25-125 g per tree, depending on size.

Citrus: for young trees, 500-750 grams per 100 square meters.

For mature trees: 200-500 g per tree.

Apply 10-50 grams per grape seedling, 750-1500 grams per 100 meters.

Cotton, peas and beans, cereals, vegetables, peppers, root crops, potatoes, tomatoes, pulse crops and squash: Apply 2.5-5.5 kg/Hectare.

Raspberries, strawberries, etc.: apply 750-1500 grams per 100 meters.


Maximum quality and compositional uniformity is the result of a chemical mixture in which each microgranule has the same composition and is rich in chelated microelements. Do not apply to the leaves during the hours of maximum insolation (at very high air temperatures). This tool in the form of a liquid solution (EW) provides more lightness and convenience in processing the product. As a product, the maximum quality and compositional uniformity is the result of a chemical mixture in which each micro-granule has the same composition and is rich in chelated trace elements. EDDHA-Fe is an important element for crops.