Potassium salt of glyphosate acid, 540 g/l

Plant name Weed name Consumption rate
Not intended for agriculture.
ground (power lines and
crossing security
zones, gas and oil pipelines
roads, railway and highway
road embankments and roads,
airfields and other industries
Annuals and perennials
spiny and dicotyledonous
weeds, bushes,
1.5-5 l/ha
Plant different crops
assigned fields
Annuals and perennials
spiny and dicotyledonous
1.5-5 l/ha
Minimal or no tillage
grown with technology
for planting spring crops
assigned fields
Annuals and perennials
spiny and dicotyledonous
1.5-5 l/ha


Features of the active substance:
Glyphosate belongs to the class of organophosphorus compounds and has a systemic effect.

Mechanism of action:
The drug enters plants through leaves and other green parts, penetrates all organs of the weed, and reaches their root system. It blocks the synthesis of aromatic amino acids, which leads to damage to growth points and complete death of above-ground and underground organs. Does not affect seeds.

Speed and symptoms of infection:
Depending on weed growth and weather conditions at the time of application, visible signs of herbicide action will appear after about 5 days on annual weeds, after 7-10 days on perennial weeds and after 20 days on trees, shrubs and reeds. 30 days after spraying. Complete destruction of weeds occurs approximately 3-4 weeks after treatment, and trees and shrubs – after 1-2 months. Under unfavorable weather conditions (cold, drought, precipitation), the effect of the herbicide may slow down.